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PRIVATE 100 Hours Yoga Instructor Certification


You already practice Hot Yoga Classic 26+2 Bikram style and you want to take your practice to the next level or you love yoga in general and all the wonderful benefits it brings to your mind and body but you would like to take your understanding of this practice to new heights ? Are you looking to have a career in the wellness world and dedicate your time and energy in making the world a healthier and happier place ? Then why not join our 2025, 100 hours Intensive Yoga Teacher Training and become a a part of the European Yoga Family as well as embark yourself on a journey for a better, healthier and kinder version of yourself !

Even Better , we know that modern life is busy and we don't want to take more of your time with your loved ones, you can now choose to join our teacher training program and you will get private, individual training with at your own time and pace . Our instructors will dedicate their time and adjust their schedule to yours in order to give you the best, personalized instruction that will not only help you become proficient in teaching the 26+2 Hot Yoga sequence, elements of Hatha, Meditation and Vinyasa Flow, but will help you find your personal powerful voice as a Teacher, to balance your energy and access your unlimited source of kindness and compassion for humanity !

Do you think about sharing your passion for yoga with others and expanding beyond your limits? Now is the time to take the next step and dive deeper without compromising your free time, and at your own pace. With a mixture of Private 1x1 session with trainers, group session, regular practice and online training you can organise your schedule however works for you and we are here to support !


Why Private Yoga teacher training?

Traditionally, yoga was taught by a teacher directly to the student. Ancient teachers understood the significance of personalizing each yoga experience to meet the needs of each student. Today such an experience can be recreated and a private yoga training allows for a more intimate view into your practice. 

The great ancient teachers understood the Importance of individualizing each Yoga experience to meet the needs of the student, to teach to the human in front of you. Today, a private yoga training allows for a more intimate view into your practice. You can start a new practice, deepen your practice or spend some time working towards specific goals. When you work with A teacher one on one, the teacher is able to help you experience the benefits of yoga in an accelerated and personal way.

We empower our trainees to become the best empowered and confident yoga teachers with a strong personal voice.

If time is valuable and you are interested in a more personalized experience during your training sessions our Private Yoga Teacher Training is for you!



Our Private training curriculum expands your knowledge of yoga, advances your ability to teach, and gives you a deeper understanding of topics often missed in other trainings.


  • What meditation is, and why it’s practiced

  • Variety of meditation techniques and tools

  • Quieting the mind to develop deeper levels of awareness

  • Connecting with nature and the world you live in

  • Connecting with the true Self


    The Art of Teaching

  • Teaching clinics

  • How to address a group of students

  • How to use your own body as a teaching tool

  • How to use your voice, volume, tempo, and pacing

  • How to correct postures

  • Choosing the right words

  • Energy, passion, confidence, humor

  • Using your own presence and Self-awareness as a transformative teaching tool

    The Business of Yoga

  • Teacher guidelines & etiquette

  • Appropriate conduct inside and outside the yoga room

  • How to apply for a teaching position

  • Teacher expectationsStudent interaction

  • Role playingFeedback

  • Yoga History & Philosophy

  • History, philosophy & evolution of yoga

  • Practical and tangible yoga philosophy

  • Eight Limb Path of Yoga

  • Bhagavad-Gita

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

  • Asana – Posture

  • Daily classes

  • Posture mechanics

  • Knowledge of asanas

  • Foundational yogic anatomy & physiology

  • Subtle Anatomy & Chakric System

  • Alignment & how to avoid injuries

  • Modifications & adjustments

  • Medical benefits

  • How to read bodies

  • Balance between body, mind and breath

  • Sequencing

    Pranayama – Breathing

  • The use of breath as a transformative tool for Self-awareness

  • Breath control

  • Different breathing techniques

  • Exploration of benefits

How does the training work?

We have organised our training as a combination of one on one sessions (online and in person) , group courses ,  workshops and of course actual yoga practice and practical teaching sessions. Unlike other teacher training we focus on each individual trainee's personality and skills, adjusting both the physical practice and the teaching techniques in order to achieve the best results while also empowering and guiding them on a deep transformational journey, both on physical and spiritual level. Our training tools and style will provide you with all the needed tools for a Yoga teacher ready for you to use as soon as you begin your teaching career - so you can start teaching straight away, tips on public speaking and how to use your voice, practical advice on how to use modifications and prevent injuries. You will get introduced to teaching methodology and actually practice teaching while on the course - with detailed feedback so you can fine-tune your teaching skills before having to face the 'real world' - and lots more.

Depending on your dedication, you can finish your private, One-on-One Yoga Teacher Training in as little as 6 – 8 weeks

If you are interested in taking a Private Yoga Teacher training please fill out our contact form so we schedule a phone consultation.

There is an application process for the Private Training.

We’d love to have you in our private Yoga Teacher Training Program
What s your prefered type of training ?
Why would yo lie to become a yoga tacher ?

Thanks for registering. See you there!

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